Plant Based Goodness

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Does anyone else have those hidden disaster spots in their house and one day you just freaking SNAP? That happened to me one day in September...I cleaned out a closet. Bahaaaa, exciting I know—but we are talking so much junk—garden seeds from 2011, fish food, a flying lantern and much more.

What struck me were the two items pictured above. I used to have 10-15 different cleaning products taking up space, now I have my thieves cleaner and some Norwex cloths. Simple. Not only does this method cut WAYYY down on clutter, it’s safe for me, safe for my kids and extremely easy on the bank account. Going the natural route does NOT have to be expensive. And here’s a challenge for ya, even if you *think* you have ditched the harsh chemicals, study the label + do your research. You may be a victim of green washing (look it up.)

Need help knowing if what’s in your house is safe or harmful? Check out the Think Dirty App.

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