Momma: You Are Not Alone

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I’ve been a momma for almost 15 years now and I still feel like I’m trying to figure it all out. Does one ever figure it all out? Who even knows. But I must say, I have made great strides in a good direction over the last while.

It’s been a challenge, and often emotional as I’ve let go of what’s good to find what’s best. Life looks very different than it has in the past years, but one day I just up + decided that enough was enough. I realized that no one else was responsible for my happiness.

I felt motherhood passing me by. I felt overwhelmed and under pressure a lot of the time. And then, I got to the point where I finally TRULY realized that my life is a result of my choices. And if life wasn’t working for me, I needed to make some better choices.

This has been a work in progress, but it has evolved into something beautifully freeing. It might even truly be the first time in 14 years that I don’t feel like I’m falling behind in every. single. thing. It’s a good feeling. Have you ever felt proud of yourself for doing the hard things? Like, truly proud. For finding the courage to step out and make the changes that you know in your heart need to be made. These are the kind of things I want to talk about here on the blog. Real life things. If you are a momma reading this right now, know that you are seen. I'm here to tell you right now that you, friend, are not alone.

MotherhoodAmber Eidse