Bulletproof Coffee Recipe


I’m not a coffee drinker or a tea drinker, or any kind of drinker at all, really. Call me boring, but in restaurants I mostly order “water with 3 to 4 lemons”. Not to be mistaken for 34 lemons, which a server heard one time and over dramatically gasped at the request. Ok, I guess it was something to gasp at.

Bulletproof coffee. I’m not exactly sure WHY I’ve been drinking it, but it sure does warm the body on the chilly days. And all the coffee/tea drinkers are thinking WOW, at 37 years old she finally learned that?? I’m mostly behind on everything.

Just a side story…one that I can’t believe I am about to admit on the world wide web, but it DOES give you a little peek inside my world. Once I happened to turn on the TV (I don’t really watch TV…) It was back in 2012 and the Grammy Awards were on. This amazing, beautiful, talented woman was singing this really catchy tune and I was right into it. I listened to a few of the lyrics and did a quick google search to find out that the song was…wait for it…Rolling In The Deep, by Adele. Up until this point I had not heard of Adele and I remember excitedly telling my sister about this awesome singer named Adele and I asked her if she had ever heard of her! She still bugs me about the time I discovered Adele.

ANYWAY. Back to the bulletproof coffee. I’ve been drinking it, I’ve been tolerating it, and it warms me up. Here’s how I make it, but of course, you can adjust any or all ingredients to your liking:

1 cup Decaf Coffee

1/2 scoop Young Living Chocolate Pure Protein Complete

1/2 scoop Collagen Peptides

1 tbsp MCT Oil

1 -2 tbsp Coconut Cream (from a can)

3-5 drops Stevia

Any other Bulletproof Coffee drinkers out there? Do you make it like this or different?